Box-Office Ticketing


Sell tickets at physical locations face to face
using iOS Box-Office App and sell tickets
with cash, card, check payment type on event day.
Check-in attendees as require

A Real Quick Setup

iPad/Tablet, Printer, Swiper, Sell ticket

Box-Office Ticketing


Get an iPad/Tablet

Get iOS/Android device, iPad/Tablet is recommended to use for a rich experience. May use iPhones or Android Phones.


Thermal Printer

Pick a Compatible Thermal Printer to print your event tickets in addition to the payment receipts.


Get Card Reader

Get a compatible card reader from your payment gateway provider - Stripe, Square, Authorize.Net or CardConnect


Install Box-Office App

Visit Apple App Store/Google Play Store from your device to download and install FEARTICKET Organizer App on your device.

Print Tickets & Receipt

Print 3" width Box-Office Tickets & Receipts on a thermal printer.

Multiple payment types

Accept Cash, Check, Offline, or Credit / Debit Cards Payments.

Email Tickets & Receipt

Email Tickets along with Order Receipt from the device itself in case No print is required.

Check-in Attendee

Check-in the moment the order is completed. No separate check-in is required.

Multiple Terminals

Setup Multiple Terminals within the networking system (LAN) to manage ticket sales.


Use Apps on iOS/Android devices for portability on devices of your choice.